Table of Contents
All About Food Allergies.....................................................................................
The Diagnosis and Treatment of Food Allergies....................................................
Getting to the Root of the Problem
........Nutrition and Diet........................................................................................
........Other Factors That May Be Harming Your Intestine.....................................
Our Unseen Allies...............................................................................................
About The Rotation Diet......................................................................................
How To Use the Rotation Diet.............................................................................
The Standard Rotation Diet.................................................................................
About the Recipes and Ingredients Used In This Book.........................................
........Lactobacillus Containing Foods..................................................................
........Main Dishes................................................................................................
........Side Dishes, Vegetables, and Soups............................................................
........Sauces and Condiments...............................................................................
........Salads and Dressings...................................................................................
........Non-Yeast Breads and Baked Goods.........................................................
........Yeast Breads..............................................................................................
........Simple Fruit Desserts...................................................................................
........Other Desserts............................................................................................
........Snacks and Beverages.................................................................................
........Special Occasion Foods..............................................................................
A Personal Postscript: Three Generations of Food Allergies.................................
........Food Family Tables with Rotation Group Numbers
........Plant Foods.................................................................................................
........Animal Foods..............................................................................................
........Alphabetical Index to Foods........................................................................
Using Commercially Prepared Foods...................................................................
Table of Measurements.......................................................................................
Recommended Reading.......................................................................................
Sources of Special Foods, Products, and Services...............................................
Index to Recipes According to Grain Use............................................................
General Index......................................................................................................
Nickie Dumke’s books are very high on our “office bestseller list.” She has written several books and booklets which we advise our patients with food intolerance and allergy to utilize as routine “guides.” Some of her books include Allergy Cooking With Ease and Easy Breadmaking For Special Diets. She has been writing about foods since 1988.
Nickie has had her share of food problems. Fortunately, they’ve improved, but certainly not by accident. Hopefully, low dose immunotherapy has now played a major role, but her ability to “do what needs to be done” with the food-related aspects of low dose immunotherapy has made a great deal of difference. If we have a patient on low dose immunotherapy who happens to go through a period of increased problems with foods, Nickie’s recent booklet, The Low Dose Immunotherapy Handbook, is the one I recommend. This booklet contains the only “American” version of the British “Very Mixed Diet,” an essential part of the program for our patients on low dose immunotherapy who “unmask” to foods.
The Ultimate Food Allergy Cookbook and Survival Guide is the next episode of what I hope will be a continuing series of easily readable guides for patients with food allergy and intolerance. The concepts of intestinal dysbiosis are paramount in this whole scheme, and food rotation is certainly the best tool many patients have to keep themselves stable enough to function on a daily basis. Since the content of this book comes from “someone who’s been there,” it is insightful. The “tips” here are designed for readers to use immediately, complete with more helpful recipes.
I highly recommend Nickie’s latest book to readers who wish to add to their armamentarium of tools to deal with food problems of all kinds. Don’t leave home without it!
W. A. Shrader, Jr., M.D.
Santa Fe Center for Allergy and Environmental Medicine
Santa Fe, New Mexico
In My Fair Lady, Henry Higgins says, “Speech separates class from class and soul from soul.” If you have food allergies, you know that allergies are also a divisive and isolating force in our society. On holidays and special occasions you watch the people around you partake of sumptuous feasts while your plate contains very little, and those few items may be foods that no one recognizes. Even the most polite individuals look at you askance, while others think (and say) that you are downright neurotic. Indeed, the pressure of constant malnourishment and continual allergic reactions can make you wonder if you are losing your mind.
People with food allergies are also separated from those around them by weight problems. Those who are underweight are “obviously” malnourished, but overweight people with food allergies are also malnourished. Their bodies are crying out for missing nutrients or craving a fix with allergic foods, and this, not lack of self-control, is why they are obese.
In 1991, I was diagnosed with Crohn’s disease, an inflammatory bowel disease that often necessitates repeated surgical removal of parts of the patient’s small intestine. I was told that the condition was incurable. I had food allergies for many years before this. While I could not eat much “normal” food, prior to the Crohn’s disease my diet was adequate. I ate most vegetables and fruits, non-grains such as amaranth and quinoa, goat and sheep dairy products, legumes, nuts, and game meats. The Crohn’s disease began a downward spiral in my health and diet until I was literally allergic to all food. I ate only exotic fish and exotic starches such as malanga, cassava, lotus, and true yam. I reacted somewhat to even those foods. I could eat no vegetables or fruits and was emaciated and malnourished.
By the grace of God I was led to the information and treatments in this book and I survived. I am now back to being well nourished. I can eat most vegetables and fruits, game meat (and even some “normal” meat like turkey), grain alternatives, nuts, and occasionally some goat milk products. I have enough energy to do what I want to do. My weight is normal and my cheeks are rosy. I feel as if I have been given my life back. I am optimistic about making further progress
This book is the outgrowth of my journey back from near starvation. In it you will find out how you too can make that journey back to better health.
A speaker once said that we can live a few weeks without food, a few days without water, a few minutes without air, but only a few seconds without hope. Hope is indeed essential to life, to living rather than just surviving or existing.
Some people with food allergies discover what they are allergic to, avoid those foods, and by practicing avoidance faithfully, enjoy stable health for the rest of their lives. Some avoid their problem foods for a time, and then their allergies improve to the point that they can eat freely again. Yet others develop allergies to more and more foods as time goes on regardless of how faithful they are about their diets.
I was once involved in a discussion on how to prevent the development of new food allergies. One person said that using a rotation diet and not eating any one food too often was the way to keep from developing more allergies. Another said that rotation diets could lead to eating single foods in large quantities, and that eating too much of any food could cause one to become allergic to it. Finally someone asked, “So what will prevent the development of more food allergies?” The answer given was, “Death!” This does indeed seem to be the situation for some people – a situation without hope.
The purpose of this book is to give you hope. Just as a rainbow comes after the rain, so too can you enjoy good health again. By treating the underlying root causes of your food allergies, you may become healthier than you have ever been before. It might not be a quick process, and most of the time you will eat differently from those around you (at least at first), but you can again be healthy enough to enjoy your activities, friends, and family. You can truly live again rather than just survive.
Cicero said, “While there is life, there is hope.” Our bodies were designed to heal themselves. As long as we have life, if we tip the balance in favor of the healing process, our bodies will heal. We are amazingly resilient creatures. Our Creator has not left us in the midst of our problems alone. The Psalmist said of God, “My hope is in Thee.”¹ The Source of all life is the One who gives us hope and leads us through the process of restoring health to our bodies.
1. Psalm 39:7.
Recommended by Experts:
This book offers a nuts and bolts approach to overcoming food allergies. Ms. Dumke speaks with the authority of one who has been there – and back. She explains how to personalize a rotation diet so it’s more flexible, maybe even fun! Her grasp of intestinal health is outstanding. If you are serious about turning your health around, this book belongs in your health library – or more accurately, at your fingertips in daily use.
Marjorie H. Jones, R.N.
Author of The Allergy Self-Help Cookbook
If you are ready to commit to the concept of self-help health strategies, you will love this book. Those who have walked the path to healing become the greatest teachers; you can count on them to have done their homework well. You will find the practical information in this book invaluable.
Elena McHerron
Editor of the Organic Living newsletter
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