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1. If wanted, to order from the author, download and print a mail-order form by clicking here. We no longer have a shopping cart because we know people with food allergies are often financially constrained, and we were unwilling to raise prices to cover increased shipping costs and changing to a new reliable shopping cart system. Details as well as possibilities for quickly placed and filled orders from the author are below.
2. To order through Amazon on our new website, click here. This website has two new books for macular degeneration and health through nutrition.
3. To get a paper book online, click here or click on the “to order from Barnes & Noble” link on book’s description page. (Scroll down this page for links to each book’s description page). has instituted a cap on how many books they order from distributors per day, which causes books that sell well to be out of stock and “Usually ship in 2-3 weeks.” Readers often shop online to get things quickly; Barnes & Noble usually ships all of the books on this website in 24 hours. If you prefer to shop elsewhere online, use the book’s title or ISBN number found on the book description page to search the websites of other online booksellers for the best deal.
If you are not completely satisfied, return these books at any time. Your money will be cheerfully refunded and you may keep the free copy of How to Cope with Food Allergies when You’re Short on Time. |
Books available from the author:
Allergy Cooking with Ease, Pandemic Preparedness (3rd) Edition
All-purpose cookbook for food allergies. Information about allergy cooking and many kid-oriented and otherwise FUN recipes to add some variety to your diet.
Paper book - $29.95
Book description page with “Look Inside” and links to online sellers.
The Ultimate Food Allergy Cookbook and Survival Guide: How to Cook with Ease for Food Allergies and Recover Good Health
Information about food allergies including medical aspects, a rotation diet, and about 500 recipes that can be used with or independently of the diet.
Paper book - $24.95
Book description page with “Look Inside” and links to online sellers.
Gluten-Free Without Rice
All about the gluten-free diet and how to add variety to it by "getting into" other gluten-free grains and grain alternatives.
Paper book - $9.95
Book description page with “Look Inside” and links to online sellers.
Food Allergy and Gluten-Free Weight Loss
Discover how to lose weight by working with your body instead of against it to burn fat. Contains 175 recipes that fit your food allergy or gluten-free diet and promote weight loss.
Paper book - $23.95
Book description page with “Look Inside” and links to online sellers.
Easy Bread Making for Special Diets
Allergy and other special-diet recipes for breads, including non-yeast breads, made with bread machines. Information about how to choose the bread machine that best fits your needs.
Paper book - $19.95
Bargain book, 1st edition + current updates - $9.95
Book description page with “Look Inside” and links to online sellers.
Allergy and Celiac Diets with Ease
How to save money and successfully and easily stay on a special diet while spending the least time possible in the kitchen. Contains 160 recipes and a 22-page “Special Diet Resources” section listing commercially prepared foods you may be able to use.
Paper book - $19.95
Book description page with “Look Inside” and links to online sellers.
I Love Dessert but NOT Sugar, Wheat, Milk, Gluten, Corn, Soy, Unhealthy Fat…
Over 300 recipes that fit allergy and gluten-free diets for all of your favorite desserts. Don’t be left out of the fun of birthday parties and special occasions celebrated with dessert! You too can enjoy the simple pleasures of dessert.
Paper book - $22.95
Book description page with “Look Inside” and links to online sellers.
Easy Cooking for Special Diets: How to Cook for Weight Loss/Blood Sugar Control, Food Allergy, Heart Healthy, Diabetic and “Just Healthy” Diets – Even if You’ve Never Cooked Before.
Are you overwhelmed by cooking from scratch for a special diet? This book gives you the basics such as how to grocery shop, equip your kitchen, handle food safely, time management, and information on nutrition.
Paper book - $24.95
Bargain book, 1st edition + changes - $9.95
Book description page with “Look Inside” and links to online sellers.
Low Dose Immunotherapy Handbook
Information on how to get organized for your shots and 80 recipes for people on EPD and LDA.
Paper book - $9.95
Book description page with “Look Inside” and links to online sellers.
How to Cope with Food Allergies when You’re Short on Time
FREE with the purchase of any two books above!
Gives you time-saving tips and recipes to help you deal with food allergies and cook for a special diet in the least amount of time.
Paper book - $5.95
Emailed PDF - $4.95 (No shipping charge!)
Book description page
About the Changes in this Website
Until 2013, this website had a shopping cart where orders could be placed online from the author’s “bookstore.” Now we do not. The reason is that in 2012, our shopping cart provider became unreliable. Orders were lost, we weren’t notified when orders were placed, shipping charges were not added, etc.
While we were considering changing shopping cart providers in early 2013, the U.S. Post Office raised the price of priority shipping (the way we send most orders) about 10% domestically and up to 25% internationally. The shipping on some international orders for 1 to 3 books now is more than the price of any one book.
We realize that many people with food allergies are financially constrained by the price of special foods, inability to work, etc. so we avoided the need to raise shipping prices by eliminating the shopping cart and its associated fees. We also realize that large online booksellers are able to offer free shipping on orders over a certain size, and we encourage you to order from them if you like shopping online. If you want “the personal touch” from the author or a free copy of How To Cope With Food Allergies When You’re Short on Time with an order of two of more books, click here to order by mail. If you want the personal touch or the free offer but want service at the speed of an online order, email us using this contact form, and we will work something out for you. Please mention where you live (in the USA our in another country), which books you want, and if you are able to use PayPal.
Thank you, and we hope our books will help you achieve good health.
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